
Welcome to X-CSL Package!
The X-Csl-Updater is software part of the X-CSL-Package project.
What is this project and what is it created? First of all, this project is aimed at all users of flight simulator X-Plane, flying in the network IVAO®.
As you know, to connect to IVAO uses X-IvAp client program. It includes a set of CSL-models, which is necessary for correct display aircrafts, helicopters, follow-me cars vehicles and another stuff of other users. That is, in other words, the library is the fact that you see around you (or in sight) of other members who joined the network in specific models of aircraft (helicopters), as well as to see these patterns in certain liveries (paint) of the different airlines. Users MSFS (FSX) in IVAO have client software service MTL, the main advantage of which is the centralization of these models of aircraft (helicopters) and the livery of many airlines. The user can download MTL-models which can then be run in the simulator. Unfortunately, such a service for X-Plane does not exist yet. But in the global plans of the implementation of this project is listed exactly similar tasks for the entire community of X-Plane users. In the meantime, our project will be implemented only part of these tasks.
Everyone who has ever confronted with the question of finding and installing CSL-models, know how non-standardized and dealt with individually appear on various portals and sites such packets (or individual objects) CSL-models, sometimes duplicating each other, which often leads to the impossibility of inoperability as simulator and the models themselves. Sometimes the quality of these models also leaves much to be desired. And we set the first task: to begin centrally collect CSL-model, test, upgrade (if necessary) and give each user the opportunity to have this kit, while not bothering to install and configure. The main criterion for selection - is the demand for specific models and performance of the entire set as a whole.
The special program has been created for such paramount problems.
The Oficial site of the X-CSL-Package project - X-CSL-Package.
This software is distributed for free, but if you wish to express your appreciation for the time and resources we've put into developing and supporting it, we would graciously accept and appreciate your donation. Your contribution will go toward the continued improvement of the software and costs of distributing it.